
Online Classes

Every Friday I stream two classes via Zoom. Meeting links are available to my members, membership is FREE!
Register Now

8:00 – 8:35 AM – Muscle Works

35 minute class incorporating functional strength training and cardio intervals in a HIIT format (40 seconds on 20 seconds off).

I will do my best to provide both modifications and advanced variations.

8:40 – 9:10 AM – Core Stability

30 min class is designed for core stability.

We will combine yoga, pilates, and physical therapy techniques to build strength and mobility from the inside out.

These are donation based classes. During these difficult times, I understand funds are tight. If you have the funds to offer, Strong Balanced Solutions appreciates any support you can give. I want to support my community in staying active and I need my community’s support as I shift my services to fit the current market.

I suggest a $5 to $15 donation per participant and I encourage you to utilize both segments of the workout

Open Public Classes

If you are located within the Salt Lake City area, Sara leads group classes at the Steiner Aquatic Center. Classes are free if you are a member or $7 for a day pass to the facility.

Currently, to attend a class you are required to register prior to attendance. Reservations open at 10AM on Thursday for the following week. To register visit:

On the left expand Group Fitness Classes/Personal Training -> 2021 Classes

Then select the Wednesday and class for which you want to register.


8:30 – 9:15 AM – Muscle Works
9:20 – 9:50 AM – Pilates (Core Stability)
10:00 – 10:50 AM – Sturdy Seniors


Sara also regularly teaches Yoga classes. Please contact for the next class.

Snowbird Employees

Currently Suspended

Employees of Snowbird are welcome to join Sara on Thursdays where she leads yoga.


8:00 AM – Yoga at Corporate Office in Millrock
4:20 PM – Yoga at The Lodge at Snowbird – Cottonwood D